I love you, not only for what you are, But for what I am when I am with you

I love you, not only for what you are, But for what I am when I am with you

Friday, November 21, 2008

SLC and Twilight

So Treven surprised me with a ticket to go and visit the family for a few days in SLC and see the midnight premiere of Twilight. Lets just say the theater was chaotic and some people were in prom dresses, must have missed the memo on that one. It is almost 3 a.m. and Chels and I are hanging out talking about the movie and eating apples.... Yes that is intentional. She is still having a hard time talking coherently I will say it is a little cheesy BUT oh but wait........ It was also so cute AND it was funny. I loved how they did the baseball scene, that was awesome. And Chelsea says it was so hot when Edward told Bella to get in the car in Port Angelos, HOT! Anyways just thought I would put my two cents in and say that we are considering seeing it again before I go back to Denver.

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